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okay, so welcome to our podcast.
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This is a little bit different today, because this podcast is a spin-off of our radio show.
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Okay, so welcome to our podcast, or our or whatever you want to call it Conversation.
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Yeah, this is a little bit different today, because this podcast is a spinoff of our radio show.
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The radio show is John Jay and Rich.
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This is Rich.
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I'm John Jay.
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We've been doing this show for about 25 years.
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About a year ago, my doctor and I started our own podcast called the Doctor and the DJ.
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She's amazing.
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She went on vacation and that's when we knew you were coming, so she couldn't leave.
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So I asked my partner, Rich, to jump on this podcast.
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Not a doctor, not a doctor, but I do take fish oil.
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But I want to start by welcoming you to our podcast.
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Thank you, krishna G a master, the Oneness Movement.
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Yes, a little background.
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My wife went to go see you speak yesterday and she came home she felt like she was a different person.
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She said that your energy and everything she learned from you and saw from you changed her life.
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In fact, when you pulled up here and you saw, she walked out to you in the parking lot and started crying yes.
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So what did you do?
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Thank you for having me on the show.
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So wonderful to see you both.
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What I did was I took her into a beautiful state, my speech, my meditation, and then, at the end of the program, I did a deeksha, where I actually transfer the state of connection and love.
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I have this unique gift in me from the age of 11 where I can transfer a powerful state into others.
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It's called deeksha.
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It's called what again Deeksha?
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Okay, deeksha is, and this means.
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This means it's a Sanskrit word and it means that in the ancient times, sages and saints in India could transfer their inner state to others, their powerful inner state, okay, and I got this gift at the age of 11 to do it.
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And from the age of 11, I've been impacting thousands of people across the world where I meditate and transfer state to them.
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So yesterday was the state of connection and love.
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So that has impacted your wife.
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How did you find out that you had this power or this gift at 11?
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What happened?
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Well, it was a very transcendental, mystical experience that happened to me, with the divine in my heart, and then my father, who is also a spiritual master, told me that will you be able to transfer this gift to others.
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So, being 11 years old, I didn't question that, you know.
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I said let's try it out and I started to do the diksha process, that is, transferring this state to others, and the others could feel it and move into that state and experience that state.
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So you're a spiritual master.
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It that state and experience that state.
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So you're a spiritual master?
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Yes, it's interesting to me.
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The second you walked in, I did feel an energy shift and I want to take you back a few days.
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I was visiting my daughter in New York City.
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She just started college there and we hung out all day Saturday, and we were going, going, going.
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At a certain point I said I don't know if this affects you or not, but I feel the energy of all the people around us and I need to take a break, because I didn't really ready myself for that onslaught of what a million people or nine million in this case in a city feels like.
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But it can be either empowering or draining.
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And she said I know exactly what you feel like.
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So I'm wondering as you walk around I mean, you spend time in New Delhi, which is also a big city how do you both protect yourself from, maybe, the energy that isn't so positive and still be able to give of yourself and pass the positive energy on to people?
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See the way I do it is.
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I'm in the state of positive energy most of the time.
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I'm in a very transformed, beautiful state.
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So I have mastered this art of living in this state.
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So, as I live in this state, the negative energies really do not impact me.
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So you can see it, you can recognize it I can recognize it, but it doesn't impact me.
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I can feel it, it doesn't impact me.
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So I don't get impacted by it.
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And how do you show people that live in this negative state how to turn that around for themselves?
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You, start off with simple meditation practices.
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We did the soul sync meditation yesterday where your wife was present.
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That's a very powerful practice where actually your brain is moving from beta state to alpha state.
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That's a very powerful practice where actually your brain is moving from beta state to alpha state.
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So in beta your brain is very agitated and is very stressed out.
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In alpha you're more calm, more quiet, more concentrated, which means your energy will change.
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As you meditate and transform your brain, your energies are changing.
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So today science tells us that the highest brain frequency is gamma, which is a state of oneness.
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So science is proving people that yes, it is possible for human beings to move to a state of oneness and be in that state.
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But you start with alpha.
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So there are five different brain frequencies beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma.
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So the soul sync meditation helps do that.
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So when your brain state changes, your mind changes, your consciousness changes, everything changes and you are in this beautiful state.
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So you can start with meditations which help you get there, but later on you should take a spiritual journey to go deeper into understanding where this negative is A spiritual journey.
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What is an example of a spiritual journey?
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A spiritual journey is where you are learning to live in a beautiful state.
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See, I go around the world.
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Both me and my wife, sri Preethaji.
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We teach people a very important teaching that every one of us are only living in two states.
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There is no third inner state we experience our life from.
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It's either a suffering state or a no suffering state.
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Suffering state being stress, anxiety, irritation, frustration, fear, insecurity, loneliness, depression all these are suffering states.
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All the killers, all the killers.
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Or beautiful states like peace, calm, love, connection, gratitude, courage All these are beautiful states.
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And then, in love connection, gratitude, courage All these are beautiful states.
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And then, in the spectrum of no-suffering states, you have the transcendental states and the highest being enlightened states.
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But you start with the beautiful states.
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So we go around people teaching how you shift yourself from a suffering state to a beautiful state by applying teachings, wisdom, so that it becomes part of your DNA.
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So initially you start with the practice, but later on you actually learn to live in a beautiful state.
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It's like a shadow that's following you everywhere and once you learn to live in that state, your life is beautiful.
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So if you have a job like him and I have a job and sometimes it gets stressful if we have meetings in the afternoon or later there's a way for us to live in the non-suffering state and just enjoy the meeting.
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That's the way you have to right.
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Right, or should you suffer?
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So how do you do that?
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How can we Stage one?
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Stage one.
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I'm just trying to think of.
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Maybe you have to consciously say, okay, I'm going to be in a beautiful state, now Bring it on.
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Is it like that?
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You can start off with a simple practice called the serene mind practice.
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It's a three minutes practice that you do.
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You can do it multiple number of times.
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So whenever you feel stressed, you do this practice and then, after you do that practice, you move into a beautiful state so three minute practice is three minute deep breathing.
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Yes, it involves deep breathing.
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It involves identifying your emotion and naming that emotion.
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So you breathe in and breathe out three times and after that you identify the emotion that is troubling you.
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You name that emotion.
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If it is anger, you name it as anger.
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If it's fear, you name it as fear.
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Anxiety, fear it could be more than one, more than one.
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Okay, you name it.
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And then you observe whether you are obsessing about the past or you are having a chaotic future projection, or are you in the present.
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You just observe that.
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Is there a time frame to do it before Nothing?
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Whenever you feel stressed?
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Oh, not just a meeting, not just a meeting.
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In the car, but I could do it at 4 am, anticipating a 3 pm meeting.
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You do it when you feel stressed.
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When you feel stressed For 4 am anticipating a 3 pm meeting.
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You do it when you feel stressed, when you feel stressed For 4 am.
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You do the soul sync meditation, which is a 12 minutes practice that you do once a day.
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So serene mind is a practice you do when you feel stress.
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You take two to three minutes off.
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You do this meditation and come out of the stress and move into a beautiful state and then get into your meeting.
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But soul sync meditation is a meditation that you do every day to transform your brain.
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Um, I want to jump back to that in a second, but I want to get back to a little bit of what you offer, or how people, from what I've heard, I don't like to do a lot of research.
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Yes, I like to just gather information as I live and then repurpose it.
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Um, I know that I believe, if I'm right, tony robbins has stayed with you.
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Yes, um, ian, my friend ian, has stayed with you.
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Yes, and it's much like people get very excited for justin bieber yes I get excited for tony robbins.
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Yes, I get very excited to meet you because of your tony robbins connection.
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Yes, and ian and I were at west palm beach and we went to a tony robbins seminar.
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Oh, beautiful, there were thousands of people.
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There was 2016,.
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I think right, probably 2016.
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Yes, and Tony Robbins starts telling us about this wonderful place, that he lived in India for a while and he studied under the gurus.
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Yes, and he talked about the blessing.
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Yes, and he gave everybody in the room the blessing.
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Yes, and I mean there were thousands of people there.
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So I felt that would it be as powerful giving the blessing to thousands of people or is it better to do it one-on-one?
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Anyway, he gave us all the blessing.
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Yes, and it was amazing.
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Yes, goosebumps and everything.
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And Ina and I have been pretty much blood brothers ever since, right, yes, so cut to.
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Well, I do remember yes, tony robbins telling the story also that one other person was allowed to give the blessing.
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Yes, and it was the drummer for the band death leper rick allen, rick allen.
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Yes, could you tell us the story of tony robbins and rick allen?
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and then I have a part two yes, the blessing is basically a deeksha, so the deeksha that was born from me at the age of 11.
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So tony robbins received the deeksha from me, so for the West, we named it the blessing to make it more understandable and easy.
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So what he transferred to you is a gift that he received from me many, many years ago.
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Same thing happened to Ricky Allen.
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Ricky Allen has received it from somebody else.
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So what I do is I also initiate people into blessing givers so you can come to our event, go through our journey and then you also become a blessing giver, whereby you can transfer this blessing to others.
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That sounds beautiful.
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Yes, so that is the gift Tony has and it's beautifully being shared with the world through him.
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So Rich and I do a radio show and we had a huge festival in Las Vegas with many different acts.
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Yes, and one of the acts was Def Leppard.
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And I didn't care about any.
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We were there to work for three days, yes, and I said all I want is a meeting with Rick Allen.
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Right, so I got all the access passes.
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I was in.
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He was in his dressing room, security guard in the front door, he's standing there and I.
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He's standing there and I go, I have my pass and I said I'd like to talk to rick allen please and the security guard said what about?
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And rick's standing there, he turns around and I go.
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I want to talk to you about the blessing, okay and he turns around having goosebumps.
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He taps the security guard, he goes.
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He goes, let him.
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He met me, we talked for a little bit, went outside in the hallway and I have video of this whole thing happening.
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He gave me the blessing in the in the backstage area at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas.
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So I remember I called Ian right away, I sent him pictures, video, I go.
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I just got the blessing.
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I got the blessing.
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How's life been since then?
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It's been fantastic Ever since the Tony.
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Our lives have changed so much.
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Since the Tony Robbins meeting Ian and I went to, and then personally in our lives, my wife and my kids.
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It's been great, and so I'm so fascinated by this blessing and I think it'd be I don't know it'd be great if we could get a blessing from you at some point during this podcast to do it Definitely Right.
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Yes, that sounds amazing.
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You've never been freaking out about the blessing, of course.
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I'll have to show you the video.
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That's the only thing you pursued, yeah that's it.
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It was amazing, Sure sure.
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I was reading something that is a quote of yours.
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Yes, that I think kind of encapsulates what you do and I think it's so beautiful.
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You said every day spent with suffering is a wasted day and every day lived in a beautiful state is a life truly well lived.
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Yes, and that seems like your entire mission.
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Yes, and do you ever have bad days where you just don't want to get out of bed or maybe the room service got something wrong?
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How do you keep that stuff?
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That kind of weighs most of us down?
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How do you not let that affect you?
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I do have challenging days and challenging times, problems.
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These come along, being part of this world and doing what you're doing.
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All this is part of your life.
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But I apply the teachings, I live my teachings and I don't allow myself to move into suffering.
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You catch yourself, I catch it very early and I am gifted to be in this enlightened state for a very long time now.
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It's part of me, it's part of myself, it's part of my body, so it's very easy for me to be in that state.
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But the most important thing is, whatever we teach is something that we practice and we live.
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So I catch it very early and I come out of suffering within a few seconds, so I don't spend time in suffering too long.
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Suffering within a few seconds, so I don't spend time in suffering too long.
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I don't go into suffering too deep.
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How much of it is perspective that I'm in a pretty good place, that shouldn't really bother me.
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Perspective doesn't work.
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It doesn't work.
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If perspectives work, everybody should be free of their suffering.
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It doesn't happen, okay, okay.
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So it's not like, you know, we have to walk into a terrible meeting like, okay, but we still have good lives.
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That's not what you're talking about.
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No, that's not what I'm talking about.
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Okay, you're talking about going in there, going like I'm not going to let the shrapnel get on me.
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Yes, and I observe what is causing that suffering.
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So I have the teachings to observe what is causing the suffering, I go to the root of it and this entire process I can do it in a few seconds and and that's the gift I want to share to the world, where the world also can do it in a few seconds and come out of the suffering.
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Because if you look at the entire purpose of every one of us, right, it's ultimately to be happy.
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You're doing what you're doing to be happy.
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You're doing this podcast to make others happy.
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Everybody's working every day very hard to be happy.
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Ultimately, that's the purpose.
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That's why you know we have families, we have families, we have systems, we have everything the wealth creation, the work we go for, the businesses we do.
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Everything is ultimately seeking that fulfillment, that happiness no-transcript fight for that joy.
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No, you don't need to fight, you just need to move inwards.
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You're going in the wrong direction to find that joy.
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You're going outwards to find that joy.
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It's not going to be found in the outer world.
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So for me, there are two worlds the inner world and the outer world.
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We, as humanity, have mastered the outer world.
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We have not yet mastered the inner world.
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We need, in the world, to understand how do we?
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Do that by starting a journey with me, let's start it, let's start it.
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Give us a peek Give us something.
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Please come to our events.
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Come as my guest?
00:15:01.859 --> 00:15:04.441
Yes, come Because you have an event in Los Angeles Tomorrow.
00:15:04.441 --> 00:15:05.802
Yes, for four days, for four days.
00:15:05.802 --> 00:15:10.307
And who are the people there that anybody can go to that event?
00:15:10.327 --> 00:15:19.221
Anybody can go to that event that's yes, it's a field of awakening and it's three different fields of awakening, so the next one that happens in New York is a different one.
00:15:19.221 --> 00:15:28.331
So, but then you come from there to Sweden, to a center in Sweden oh, that's, sweden, yes so we have a center very close to Copenhagen, you come for the Deepajani.
00:15:28.351 --> 00:15:29.434
Akam is the name of your.
00:15:29.947 --> 00:15:33.149
Akam is the place where the meditation center is.